Thursday, August 12, 2010

Coming Soon...

I am going to design this myself but I have so many jobs on my plate, both professional and personal I needed to just get my thoughts out!

This blog will be a place for me and my invitees to vent so if you get offended please go away!


Coming soon...

Living with 17 cats and how to keep the place clean!

Why do you try to MURDER me?

It is hard enough to wake up, drag myself out of bed and drive the hour and a half I have to go each way to get to work.

Is it too much to ask you to drive like a decent human being?

Is it too hard for you to wait 2 seconds while I drive past instead of cutting me off and then driving slow?

Is it too hard for you to merge into the right lane a mile a or so before your exit and not 30 feet from it. Cutting off everyone else who is driving and NOT exiting? Causing all of us to slam on our brakes to avoid hitting your dumb ass and praying the person behind us doesn't hit us as well as we try to avoid your selfish, texting ass? Hell I'd settle for half a mile.

Is it too difficult to turn on your turn signal and give us some warning before you stop dead in the middle of the fucking street at the last minute so you don't miss your turn?

Is it that important that you get into my lane in standstill traffic, when there is no exit to be seen?

Are you so important that you run me off the road because you are so busy texting or talking on your damned phone that you change lanes right into me?

For those of you who do not know what the left lane is for-turn in your license today! Right NOW.  DO NOT pass go-you fail.

For those of you who cannot drive one speed on a straight damned road, turn in your license now!

If the slow lane on a 2 lane road is passing you and you are in the FAST lane....MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!

For the 20 something who tried to kill me on my way to work this morning FUCK YOU! You know who you are in your beat up neon blue piece of crap car. You know you almost killed me and several other people driving like a dumb ass on the most dangerous stretch of highway in Gallatin/Hendersonville. 

How do I know you know? BECAUSE I SAW YOU LOOK IN YOUR REVIEW MIRROR as I slammed on the brakes to keep from hitting you while you made you high speed, illegal and idiotic move in rush hour traffic. I know you know what you did because after you did it you sped off as if to flee the scene just in case we did crash. I saw what exit you got off and I WILL  be looking for your car in the future. I will make sure you LOSE YOUR LICENSE. I don't know how but for the attempted murder of 1-5 people, you don't deserve to drive. Schmuck.

Why do you try to murder me?